Recently I have begun to start cutting on other people's hair and experiment with my own. After experimenting with my hair a lot last year and the many different designs and carvings that could be constructed from it, I started to become pretty interested in cutting hair. I usually keep a shaved head so I have my own clippers and I've just been using my clippers on others and have managed to keep this is a non-profit hobby because the haircuts I've provided have been to people within my close group of friends. There's no need or motivation for making money when you're doing something so creative and fun such as cutting hair into ridiculous designs for your good friends. It is also an way for me to express my creative side and my passion for the arts, and with cutting hair I feel like I'm providing a nice and helpful duty by offering a sharp hairdo free of charge amidst the busy and sporadic nature of college life. It's kind of like a way to calm down and relax when there's a couple guys hanging out on the balcony free of stress and worries while a haircut or two take place. The favor goes both ways as my friends will also willingly cut my hair for me and although I haven't sported a crazy hairdo in a while, I feel like I'm bound to have one of my friends give me a design before the semester ends. I really enjoy seeing my hair all carved up and intricate because it shows that I'm not afraid to express myself and it shows that I like to try new things and experiment in life. The other week I decided to let my friend randomly cut my hair into a "fade," a style I've never had before and I was willing to accept the consequences because it's not worth it to not attempt something when you're only young once. My immense trust in my friends has been established because of our haircut gatherings as well because we have all become accustomed to the fact that we can all basically rely on anyone of each other for an exceptional haircut.